Monday, January 28, 2008

It's a Giveaway today!

*****Times's Up!*****
Comments are closed, and I'll announce a winner shortly!
There's a giveaway carnival going on today at Bloggy Giveaways. Thanks, Shannon!

Last week, I mentioned my fondness for the scent of lavender. I don't wear a perfume, and some days I don't even shower. And it is usually at the end of those non showered, pony-tail days, that I find myself in need of a warm bath before I crawl into bed.

While I enjoy a nice bath, I usually don't have time for one. Most nights, after the kids are in bed, I am ready for bed myself. Or, I'm at least ready to sit down and watch Jon and Kate plus 8 so that I can take comfort in the fact that there is a mother out there who is indeed, more crabby than I am. But, crabby or not, when I do take the time to indulge in some time for myself, I feel so much better.

A little lavender scent in my tub and some lavender lotion on my so-very-dry winter skin helps me to really relax and have a good nights sleep. And who couldn't use a good nights sleep?

So I'd like to pass along a little of that lavender relaxation to you.

I have for you, newly purchased, unopened bottles of lavender scented body wash and body lotion to give away. They are from Bath and Body Works' Aromatherapy line, and they smell great. Subtle, not overpowering, and clean.
But, wait!
There's one more thing.
I'm throwing in a book for you to read after you're all soaked, bathed and moisturized in lavender.
Because I love to crawl into bed with a good book.
I also love yellow Labs. Especially my new little yellow lab.

So the winner of my giveaway will also receive this book. Marley & Me by John Grogan. I laughed out loud, I cried, and I thanked the Patron Saint of Pets that I didn't end up with a dog as crazy as Marley. My book club read this book a year ago and it was enjoyed by non-dog owners as well.
I think you'll enjoy it a a lot too. Especially since you'll be so relaxed and smelling good.
So, if you think you'd use and enjoy these lavender products and would enjoy reading Marley & Me, leave a comment and I'll draw a winner on Friday afternoon. I'll ship anywhere, too!
That's it!

Koko and I wish you Good Luck!
Oh, and no emails from you PETA fanatics please. It's a crate, not a cage. And we use it humanely, and for training, and all that jazz. And I would never turn her into a coat. Or a muff. If I used muffs. Actually, I still have a white rabbit muff from when I was six, so I don't even need a muff. And I only put her in the crate for this picture because she won't move more than 12 inches away from me and it's kind of hard to take a picture that way. Then she was let right back out and free to continue on thru her three bowls of food a day. Food that is natural, healthful and organic. So see, she's fine. She eats better than my kids, OK?


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HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love lavender. Thanks for the giveaway :)

Laura said...

Your dog is so gosh darn cute! I love labs too (use to have one) and read that book and I really liked it as well!

The lavender products sound heavenly!

Family Adventure said...

Lisa, she is just gorgeous! I am so envious. Mike won't let me have a dog. He doesn't get it! *sob*

What an awesome giveaway. :)


Unknown said...

Cute and obviously happy and well cared for dog, who clearly eats better than anyone else in your family.

Would love the book annd lavendar products :)

Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

I could use some good sleep right about now... or even next week... anytime really!

Retrievers are great dogs! Great combo pack giveaway!

So, let it begin...

Pick Me! Pick Me! :)

Anonymous said...

I love lavender And I love, love, love a good book! Hope you pick me!

Sister Honey Bunch/Judi maloney said...

Heck I'd take an opened half-used bottle of lavendar body lotion and bubble bath. And a dog-eared book that fell into the bath water.

Upward Falling Autumn said...

I almost bought that book! Hmmm, maybe you'll love to give it to me instead! Teehee.

Oh, and we so get a racket from several of our friends about the crate training. But puppy pants loves the crate. She conks right out at night and sleeps through. Trust me, if she hated it, we'd know in a HEARTBEAT!

Suzy said...

I can't think of anything witty to write. Shoot. I love lavender! And books! And dogs! Oh that was special eh?

Unknown said...

Your dog is just so cute! And, we used a crate when our dog was a puppy, she loved it! She will still actually go, on her own, and lay in her crate at times. It's her little comfort zone.

Great giveaway, I love lavender, too. Thanks for offering it. Come over and enter my movie giveaway.

Ellen said...

pick me!!! :)


Searching For Simplicity said...

Aww, Koko is so cute! I would love to win this. It would be very relaxing to me in my last few months of pregnancy as I await number four!

Brea said...

Oh oh, I LOVE this scent from is scrumptious! Cute pup too! :)

Gordostyle said...

We "crate" train too. It's hard but absolutely necessary! As of this morning, I'm pretty sure that our new pup definitely has ADD. Wow - insane!

Anyway, thanks for the giveaway - love your blog!

Melissa Hannon said...

Lavender and puppies.. what a perfect combo!

Bluepaintred said...

Lavender is one of my favorite scents ( I loooove strawberry!) please enter me in this draw!

Vickie said...

I love that book! And I love lavender too! Thanks for the giveaway.

Lettie said...

I love bath products and have been wanting to read that book.

Nick, Megan, Chelsea and Tenlee said...

I LOVE lavender...thanks!! And Koko is SO cute!

Geri said...

I LOVE THIS!!!!! Fun, Fun, Fun!!! Please count me in !

Great post!!

Anonymous said...

Lavender is my favorite! I haven't smelled this, but it sounds yummy! What a sweet pup! Thanks for the awesome chance to win this set!

Queen B said...

Great giveaways!! I love the lavender products... it just doesn't get much better than that. I've wanted to read that book, too! Thanks!!

Britni said...

I really want to read this book. I like others by the same author!

The Conn Crew said...

I love that stuff! And the dog is presh!!!

CrystalGB said...

I am a big Bath and Body Works fan. Your dog is beautiful.

SeaWorthy said...

Okay, cool give away, Lisa. But did you hear... Did you know MARTHA sprained her leg, or ankle or somethin??? Thats what MJ said on her blog. Poor Martha, probably chasing after noodle or something, no, she was break dancing again..ya breakdancing, or moonwalking...

I am hoping that all goes well in the lunchroom today at school.
Keep us posted! Cute doggie, too-girlfriend
coastal nest

Kim said...

great giveaway - we have a chocolate lab and he has a crate too. Please include me in the draw - thx

Anonymous said...

cool giveaway. I have a giveaway on my blog right now too. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I'm in! Will you throw the dog in too?

Gettysburg Mom said...

I'm preparing myself for when my mom's one year old black lab pup comes to stay for a week...she's visited before and I know I'll desperately need relaxing! Thanks gor a great giveaway!

Amanda Jayne said...

Great giveaway! Please enter me!

MTherese said...

They look heavenly! Does the pup come along too? My 3-year-old Weimy would love the company.

Anonymous said...

Does the puppy come as part of the prize? Please oh please, say yes. he's adorable.

Awesome prize. Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness - first of all, I love the smell of lavender, too, so please enter me in your giveaway!

And secondly, I love your blog. Your design and colors are great, and I got such a kick out of your writing, just the few posts I've read so far. I'll be back! :-)

Aimee said...

Cute post! I'd love to win this too!

Unknown said...

Lavender is my absolute favorite!

Andrea said...

I love bath products!!

Anonymous said...

Lavender is sooo relaxing!

Anonymous said...

HI Koko! I'd love to enter, I love lavender!

Someone Being Me said...

Please sign me up. I love lavender and I could use some relaxation.

Lynette3boys said...

Sounds like a good one. Thanks.

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I love your giveaway. Count me in.

Sarah said...

LOL! You are too funny. Koko is so cute and I love the comments you made to the Peta folks.

Thanks so much for the great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

My favorite scents - lavendar and vanilla. Count me in. Michelle -

jhebein said...

I've been dying to read this book! Plus, I bet that stuff smells great! Thank you!

Shalee said...

Love lavender and that book is on my TBR list!

Robin said...

Precious Pup!!! I have been wanting to read that book and I just love me some lavender! Thanks for the opportunity and please count me in!

Allison said...

What a cute dog! Neat giveaway too!

Jeni said...

Great giveaway!

heidi @ ggip said...

Very Cute doggy! I'd love to enter your contest!

Heather said...

I love lavender and vanilla!

Anonymous said...

Great give-away! Adorable dog!

Mommy said...

Thanks for the give away. I love that smell from Bath and Body works. The book looks good too. And you have a beautiful dog. Makes me want to get one. :)

Betsy said...

Great giveaway! Cute dog!

Lissete said...

I love this stuff! Your dogy is just too cute!

windycindy said...

Hello, Wow, what a marvelous give away! Please enter my name in your drawing. Thanks very much! Cindi

Katie said...

I simply love lavender. And I'd love to read the book. Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

katie at dekabyte dot com

Unknown said...

Thanks for doing a giveaway!

Amy Plumb said...

Oh, dog lover here! So cute, looks like my Angel.
Really cool contest I'm in.

Nicole said...

First of all, I love me a nice white muff!

Secondly, vanilla + lavender = heaven.

And a book to boot...

You rock:)

Genevieve P said...

I love lavender, too!

forcryeye said...

this is a fantastic giveaway, but I am disqualified because I am your real life friend. damnit.

Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

How I love lavender- and how strange that I own no products that are scented with it! :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Melissa Stover said...

i love a hot bath at night before tv. we are of like minds.

Anonymous said...

Great giveaways! We have 3 dogs and I've wanted to read that book for so long. Hope I win!

Qtpies7 said...

LOL I would love a bath and I love lavendar almost as much as lilacs. But your post to PETA fanatics was the best part of this, lol.

Hedi said...

the labrador is so-so-so cute!
the book seems interesting.

Bree said...

Yummy! Please enter me! Thanks!

Scarlett said...

I love lavender- it's so relaxing.

Wendy said...

Great giveaway:) Count me in!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

nice giveaway, does the dog smell like lavender, too?

Superdumb Supervillain said...

nice giveaway, does the dog smell like lavender, too?

Megan said...

sounds great - count me in!

Katie said...

I've always wanted to read that book.

Marcia said...

Ooo Bath Stuff!! I'm a huge pet lover too so I'm sure I'd enjoy that book!

Anonymous said...

Your doggie-love is soooo cute! I love lavender.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

Snowbird said...

I love Bath and Body Works Lavendar products. Yum!!!

Tania said...

Yummy lavender. Thank you for the lovely giveaway. And I know you love your doggy :-)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful giveaway!

~ Kim

Aimee Fontenot said...

aww...your dog's a cutie...thanks for the contest

peg42 said...

What wonderful prizes. I would love to read that book. (your furr baby is so cute)and the BBW lavender products sounds wonderful. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Amylou said...

Oh what a nice gift. That stuff smells devine!!

Kyra said...

Very thoughtful giveaway, I would LOVE to win! Beautiful dog, I have a black lab, Sophie.

Mystnrayne said...

Great contest, please enter me also. Thanks!

Barb said...

I love lavendar! Please pick me!

Eden said...

Oh, I'd love to win! YOur dog is too cute! Please count me in! Thank you!

I'm doing a giveaway on both of my blogs:

I'll be doing a new giveaway everyday until Friday. Thought you might want to know.


Marilyn B said...

Oh my your dog is adorable! Thank you for the awesome giveaway :)

Nise' said...

I'll take the dog! *grin* enter me please!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Great giveaway girl! Hoping I win :)

snaphappy said...

I love lavender, but only at night. I think I said that already! :)

Shannon said...

Lavendar makes me sleepy! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I love bath products!

Jenn said...

Mmmm, those bath products look wonderful! Please enter me.

Re said...

great contest - count me in!!

Fiddle D. Dee said...

Mmmm.. Lavender is my favorite too!!! Please enter me!

lace said...

I love lavender. This set is wonderful

Anonymous said...

I was so very disappointed to learn that the puppy was not included :(

But please count me in anyway! I could definitely use some help getting enough sleep most nights.

Anonymous said...

Lol you always make me smile! Thanks ~Aimee

Jennifer said...

I'm not much of a pet owner, but I like B&BW!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I have special honey moon memories of this B&B Lavender/vanilla! I'd be so delighted to win this. Wow! What a giveaway! lovemylittlefamily at yahoo dot com

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

Please count me in


Susan said...

Oh that looks like it would be really relaxing. Makes me want to go take a bath right now.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Great giveaway- I could so use it right now!


Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! I would use both!

Angela said...

What a great prize!

Rachie S. said...

Thanks for this great giveaway!

Jenna said...

What an adorable puppy! I would love to win these products, as I have recently moved to the desert and my skin has never been so dry in my life!

Bebemiqui said...

Great giveaway! Count me in.

Anonymous said...

mmmm lavender and vanilla!
count me in!

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

Oh, count me in!!!! I could use a nice relaxing bath!

Hélène said...

Please enter me. I love lavender.

eyeslikesugar said...

Marley and Me is a FANTASIC book! I'd love to own it! (I checked out the audiobook from the library) I cried so much at the end. My family is a lab-loving one as well. I had a black lab growing up, and my dad currently has a black lab, and my mom has three chocolate ones! My boyfriend and I want a golden someday =) I do hope I win!
And the bath/body stuff is the icing on the cake! I do hope I win. =)

United Studies said...

I love me a nice relaxing bath. Please enter me, thanks!

Stacey Moore said...

please enter us for your great giveaway!! thanks so much!!

Anonymous said...

lavender and labs, two of my favorite things! :)

andrewandbecca at yahoo dot com

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

I read this earlier today from my bloglines, but I don't THINK I entered. Count me in, girl! :)

susan1215 said...

please enter me

Anonymous said...

Love this!

elaine@bloginmyeye said...

What a cutie. I'd love to win the bath goodies.

Anonymous said...

will the lavendar make me go to sleep and stop entering contests?

Unknown said...

gorgeous dog - and i like the lavendar too!

Kristen M. said...

Great giveaway. If I won, I'd be able to provide my own cute yellow lab.

Kierra said...

wonderful prizes; thank you!

Anonymous said...

I agree...WONDERFUL PRIZES! Thanks!

Hootyboosmom said...

Very cool prize, and your puppy is soooo cute! Thanks for the giveaway!


Marsha said...

Oh I love lab puppies!

~Nancy~ said...

Cute pup!

Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
Be sure to come enter mine.

Amber said...

Lavender is one of my favorite scents, too. Thanks so much! And your dog is SOOO sweet and cute. :)

Tia said...

Lavender Vanilla, sounds like a lovely combination. That and a book too - great giveaway!

Jennwith4 said...

I'd love this! And koko is so cute!

Keryn said...

Oh, my, yum! Lavender is my favorite scent in the whole world. Thanks for the giveaway. My email addy is at my blogger profile, just in case I win!

Anonymous said...

I've heard about that book. I'd love to read it!~

rookiem at live dot com

Queen Mother said...

Oh I've always wanted to read that book and I love bathtime. Lavender is my favorite for relaxing.

Robin said...

i really need to just relax this would help

Anonymous said...

i love good smelling things!

Unknown said...

I read your most recent post and apparently you did not sign up for my giveaway b/c then you would be winning scrapbook items too! HA!

Anyway, love Lavender and have heard about the book and thought it would be a good read. Hope I win this one (and a few others too... ; ))

Stacie said...

I love lavender!

stacie at bastetweb dot com

Anonymous said...

I love anything lavender!


Ginny said...

Loved your post. I too love Lavender & cannot wear perfume. Love to win & that dog is gorgeous. I am admirer from afar with dogs, so enjoyed the pics & your funny writing style :) I think you just won over another reader, I don't think I have been to your blog before :)

tammi said...

You know, I don't think I've ever owned anything lavender-scented. (Surely that guarantees me the win, right?!)

Dang, Koko's cute -- even in captivity!!

LadySnow said...

What a great giveaway...I love lavender.

Born Blonde said...

I would love them both. I wish your dog would have a talk with mine. He's just out and out nuts. But yours looks so adorable sitting there (and of course, well cared for). :)

tlcfromtn said...

Very cute dog! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Bath & Body and I LOVE lavender!

Peggie said...

Ohhhhh You have the cutest dog! The only one cuter is mine...

Count me in!

Celly B said...

Whew! There are days when I could definitely use that Sleep Aromatherapy set.

Your dog is so cute! We have a Goldendoodle who is seven months old, and I think I could appreciate Marley & Me. I've read reviews but not the book itself.

Anonymous said...

This giveaway sounds heavenly. I need some "pamper me" time.

Robin M. said...

Cute post... and cute dog. Thanks for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

Adorable dog! And great giveaway!

Erin said...

Your pup is beautiful! Thanks for the great prize.

jayedee said...

great giveaway! please throw my name in the hat! good luck everyone!

The Modest Momma said...

I LOVE lavender! I also have 3 dogs, so I just may feel at home reading the book! Please count me in! Thanks!

Leanne said...

John and Kate...we love that show here....maybe 'cuz it makes us feel a little less crazy than we are!! I'd LOVE a lavender soak with a good book...thanks.(

maggie said...

Love lavender and golden labs.

Suzie Williams said...

Your lab is cute. Please enter me in your contest, I love lavender.

majellamom said...

Great giveaway! Please include me!

phxbne said...

Sounds lovely and I have been wanting to read that book!

Cmerie said...

please enter me

Unknown said...

Oh I love that "flavor"!!

Jen said...

Those are my favorite from B&B....I love them...and your dog is so cute...

Annie-Savor This Moment said...

Love me some Lavender, Lisa! That's my favorite stuff.

Anonymous said...

Great prizes! Pick me!!

Corina said...

great giveaway!! and adorable dog!

Lucy said...

I love lavender. Thanks.

lucycontest at

Mid-Life Mother said...

LOL! Lavendar is lovely and so is your lab!

heather h said...

Fun fun, I'd love to win this yummy-smelling lavender prize!

Shannon said...

I love love love Bath and Body works lavender products and use them before bed each night too. My fingers are crossed! :)

Linda SS said...

Sounds like such a fun book and anything from Bath & Body Works is so wonderful. I've never smelled their lavendar and will now remember to do so:) Thanks so much for the chance to win all this great goodies!!!

Anonymous said...

Enter me please.

Liz said...

I love the lavendar stuff from BBW! And I have heard that the book is a great read! What a great giveaway! Please sign me up! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love lavender also. My favorite bath thing in my whole life was a lavender tea bag for the bath tub. It was wonderful!

Shama-Lama Mama said...

Oooh, I have been wanting to read that book! And I love lavendar, too. Yum.

Anonymous said...

Your giveaway sounds great! Sign me up please! ( :

Carolynn said...

Beautiful dog! I'd love to try the lavender lotion and body wash:)

Adriana said...

Thank you! I love lavender too.

Kelley said...

Amen to a good night's sleep! I could use one of those...

kaprahl @

p.s. Koko is ADORABLE!

Amanda Moore said...

Aww how I love Aromatherapy items. SOunds wonderful. Count me in! :)

Deborah in Atlanta said...

Mmmmm....remember the commercials years ago....Calgon, take me away....that's what lavender does. How relaxing. Count me in. If I win, notify me at

Kristine said...

Lovely giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love Lavender anything! Thanks for the chance to win.

Teri said...

Mmmmm lavender! And in a hot bath? even better! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Ok, Where Was I? said...

What you just described sounds so fun--the bath and good book. I'm having one of those no shower and hair in a pony tail days right now.

Melissa said...

I would _love_ the lavendar-scented stuff! Just don't tell my husband about the book if I win it. He really wants a lab.

Unknown said...

What I wouldn't give for a lavender soak tonight!

Anonymous said...

I love lavender!

Liz said...

That stuff smells so good!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I want to win!!

Paisley said...

Great giveaway! Please enter me!

Tracy DeLuca said...

I could use a lavender bath right now! Enter me!

Anonymous said...

love it \
cute dog too :)
entter me please

Anonymous said...

Lavender blue ..this giveaway is a dilly! I love your pup...we have a new baby Rottie I feel the same way about!

goalmom said...

I love this B&W scent! Thanks for the giveaway.

Gloria said...

it sounds wonderful1 please include me in your giveaway :)

striving... said...

Thanks for the chance. I love arometherapy stuff.

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Kristan said...

You could even send me the dog if you wanted too! But I think lavendar probably smells a bit better.

Valerie said...

your dog is such a cutie!

Cindy said...

Cute dog. Great giveaway. Thanks for entering me!

charmed said...

I LOVE this stuff!

Please enter me

arogers (at) gmail (dot) com

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